With a desire to preserve history and reduce the impact of the transportation industry, Webb Motorworks is now known for disguising electric motors in a custom manufactured Small Block Chevy and is soon to start production of kits that resemble a Small Block Ford, Flat Head and Hemi. Follow our build!

Webb Motorworks is a family owned and operated shop whose founder, Chris Webb, disrupted the automotive industry with the introduction of engine conversion kits - challenging the perception of the engine to car enthusiasts. The “Webb Flatty,” a conversion kit that transforms a Small Block Chevy into a Flathead V8, V12 or V16 made its debut at Sema in 2015. After being highlighted in the New Product Showcase and Sema Ignited, the team continued to reimagine the future of hot rodding through engine kits.

Convert your Chevy Small Block to a custom Flathead V8
It's a really cool alternative to an origional flathead. These old flatheads were manufactured from 1932-1953 and as sweet as they look they're prone to overheating and low horsepower. Today they're hard to find and when you do, they're expensive, all rusted out and inadequate for the modern highways.

Convert your Chevy Small Block to a custom Flathead V12
The Webb Flatty V12 was Inspired by an article Chris read about Chip Foose and how he installed a V 12 into a 32 Ford. The iconic Flathead design was cool but reliability and performance were an issue. Most Hot Rodders install a small block Chevy motor in their cars so Chris had an idea. What if he could make a kit that would give him the best of both worlds?

If you're completely insane,
transform that Small Block into a Flathead V16
Three years of research and development have resulted in the creation of the patented Webb Flatty kit. Designed to transform the appearance while still using original components of the chevy motor.